Officer Installation (08/20/2022)
Post date: Aug 17, 2022 3:8:19 PM
As we prepare to begin the 2022-2023 Masonic year anew, please know that your Lodge has been quite active and participation from those in the area who have not attended in many years is warmly welcomed and strongly encouraged, as there is no better way to "get your money's worth," have an impact, enjoy the fellowship and Brotherhood we share, and to ensure that your Lodge is on a path to best serve the greatest good.
That said, please join us at our Lodge for our Annual Installation of Lodge Officers on Saturday, August 20th at 4p. There will be light refreshment after, likely cake and ice cream with coffee or punch, for all who are interested in celebrating the occassion. Also that same weekend (Fri-Sun) is the Festival of Little Hills on the riverfront in downtown St. Charles and we would like to invite everyone to visit the booth being hosted by our very own Saint Charles Rainbow Assembly (girls' youth group) who will be selling various foods and beverages to help raise funds for their many wonderful charities and activities.
Stated Communications will resume the 1st Tuesday in September. Also, Grand Lodge will be in St. Charles this year and we will be having an open house and barbeque Saturday, Oct. 01 (Additional details to follow). We are all very excited for yet another tremendous and eventful year and hope to see you there!