Past Masters of the Lodge

The office of Worshipful Master is the highest honor to which a Lodge may elect any of its members.  The Worshipful Master chairs the business of the Lodge, presides over all of its members, Lodge activities and events, and governs our Ritual and ceremonies.  The Master is elected annually by the members of the Lodge in a secret ballot, typically after serving in many, if not all, of the Officer chairs of the Lodge.  The honorific “Worshipful” does not suggest that the Master is worshiped, but is used in its original old English meaning, "worthy of respect".  After closing a regular meeting as the elected Worshipful Maser, in a Lodge to which he was elected, he is technically a “Past Master”. Most, however, reserve this title for conclusion of the Worshipful Master's term and he will have attained a title and position forever worthy of great respect and honor within the Fraternity.

 In honor and remembrance of the Past Masters of Palestine Lodge #241 / St. Charles Lodge #241 who have so faithfully guided and protected this Lodge of Brothers since 1865, we are proud to post their names and dates of service.



Deceased *

Demitted/Inactive **

 Joseph Alexander - 1865 *

Joseph Alexander - 1866 *

Joseph Alexander - 1867 *

Joseph Alexander - 1868 *

Joseph Alexander - 1869 *

W.W. Edward - 1870 *

Joseph Alexander - 1871 *

Joseph Alexander - 1872 *

John A Kellar - 1873 *

Joseph Alexander - 1874 *

W. Page Conant - 1875 *

Geo. B. Johnson - 1876 *

Geo. B. Johnson - 1877 *

James B. Pritchett - 1878 *

Joseph Alexander - 1879 *

Joseph Alexander - 1880 *

Joseph Alexander - 1881 *

Joseph Alexander - 1882 *

Joseph Alexander - 1883 *

Joseph Alexander - 1884 *

R. A. Hickmann - 1885 *

Al Huber - 1886 *

Joseph Alexander - 1887 *

J. P. Miller - 1888 *

J. P. Miller - 1889 *

N.E. Jenkines - 1890 *

J. P. Miller - 1891 *

Joseph Alexander - 1892 *

Joseph Alexander - 1893 *

Louis Kohn  - 1894 *

Sam Johnson  - 1895 *

A. E. Hucker - 1896 *

Frank J. Bull - 1897 *

C. O. Ullin - 1898 *

John B. Matin - 1899 *

Robert  Schmoldt  - 1900 *

Robert  Schmoldt  - 1901 *

Sam R. McMillian - 1902 *

Hy J. Beimdick - 1903 *

Gust J. Elwanger - 1904 *

Gust J. Elwanger - 1905 *

Amos H. Vinyad - 1906 *

R. C. Haenssler - 1907 *

R. C. Haenssler - 1908 *

John N. Olson - 1909 *

Charles N. Shapiro - 1910 *

Charles N. Shapiro - 1911 *

Miller White  - 1912 *

August Westerfield  - 1913 *

Edward H. Biemdick - 1914 *

Osmund Haenssler  - 1915 *

Edwin H. Barklage - 1916 *

Charles E. Bortfeld - 1917 *

A. E. Hucker - 1918 *

Isadore Stahlbehl  - 1919 *

Claude J. Jacobs - 1920 *

Clarence R Decker  - 1921 *

Edgar E. Brown - 1922 *

Edgar E. Brown - 1923 *

Harry B. Kienker - 1924 *

Fred W. Hobelman - 1925 *

Herman Wiethoelter  - 1926 *

Robert S. Calder - 1927 *

Edward A. Ringe - 1928 *

William A. Dixon - 1929 *

Edward J. Pundmann - 1930 *

Paul J. Reinert - 1931 *

E. R. Engholm - 1932 *

William F. Achelpohl - 1933 *

Webster Karrenbrock - 1934 *

Eugene W. Lowe - 1935 *

George Schuster - 1936 *

J. Harry Jordan - 1937 *

Martin L. Comann - 1938 *

Otto Boeklemeier - 1939 *

D. T. Gray - 1940 *

Alf H. Schroer - 1941 *

Gus H. Huster - 1942 *

L. E. Dudeck - 1943 *

Arthur C. Opitz - 1944 *

Ernest W. Hedges - 1945 *

Charles W. Hafer Jr.  - 1946 *

Melvin F. Lane - 1947 *

Eugene F. Schaberg - 1948 *

Clyde E. Smat - 1949 *

Waldo A. Krede - 1950 *

Rueben R. Krede - 1951 *

Leslie E. Koeneker - 1952 *

Raymond D. Prinster - 1953 *

Carroll S. Howell - 1954 *

John S. Paker - 1955 *

Gover W. Lewis - 1956 *

Melboune A. Morgan - 1957 *

Louis J. Wallenbrock - 1958 *

Gover L. Studer - 1959 *

Gene O. Drury - 1960 *

Harold W. Tilly - 1961 *

Marvin H. Bruns - 1962 *

Delton C. Hilderbrand - 1963 *

Clarence W. Rosner - 1964 *

Carl C. Hibbs - 1965 *

Howard G. Magrunder - 1966 *

Dwaine A. Davis - 1967 *

Harold L. Thomas - 1968 **

Carroll W. Holmes - 1969 *

Philip W. Elmer - 1970 

Roy H. Bailey - 1971 

William H. Sattler - 1972 *

Chelsea L. Stewart - 1973 

Ernest E. Butts - 1974 

Earl W. Wooldridge - 1975 *

John W. Stoneking - 1976 **

Robert G. Pikey - 1977 *

Dennis R. Martin - 1978 

Clarence R. Czeschin - 1979 **

John D. Runyon - 1980 *

Fred H. Courtney  - 1981 *

Walter S. Specie - 1982 *

Theodore G. Kolb - 1983 **

Rector R. Cook - 1984 

James D. Bell - 1985 *

Russell  D Leedom  - 1986 *

Thomas D. Martin - 1987 *

Gary W. Warth - 1988 

Earl E. Sage - 1989 

Clyde E. Warth - 1990 *

Harland Long  - 1991 *

Harlold Cochran  - 1992 

Harlold Cochran  - 1993 

James C. Larkin - 1994 *

David W. Larkin - 1995 

Philip O. Key - 1996 *

William G. Langendoerfer  - 1997 * 

Robert G. Hutchinson - 1998 **

Robert G. Hutchinson - 1999 **

Robert Karl  - 2000 *

On September 1st 2001,

Palestine Lodge #241 was renamed

to St. Charles Lodge #241

and received a new charter by

the Grand Lodge of Missouri

with George W. Anagnos presiding

as Worshipful Master.

George W. Anagnos - 2001 **

Theodore G. Kolb - 2002 **

James D. Bell - 2003 *

Melvin G. Myrick, Sr.  - 2004 *

John J. Lukes - 2005 

Sir Thomas McCann - 2006 *

Ricky L. Uebinger - 2007 **

John J. Lukes - 2008 

Thomas W. Russell - 2009** 

Russel A. Georgen - 2010 

Steven S. Kleinman - 2011 

Tracy R. Smith - 2012**

Ryan C. Georgen - 2013* 

Jason Johnston  - 2014 ** 

Joseph E. Kimble - 2015 

Darren A. Beck - 2016 

Lonnie E. Willis, Sr. - 2017

Larry D. Darnell - 2018

Kenneth G. Wright - 2019

Matthew R. Carter - 2020

Matthew J.J. Beyes - 2021

Matthew D.P. Beyes - 2022

Matthew R. Carter - 2023

Samuel R. W. Beyes - 2024